5 Common Symptoms of “Silent” Concussions

symptoms of “silent” concussions

Every head injury is a risk for a concussion. However, you might not notice the symptoms of your concussion right away – sometimes it takes them days to develop, and sometimes they can be very subtle. Here are the five common symptoms of “silent” concussions.


One of the symptoms that are most difficult to explain is the feeling of confusion and “fogginess”. You will probably feel out of it and things will seem cloudy as if you were sedated.

Changes In Personality

It’s not uncommon to experience personality changes as a result of a concussion. These changes can manifest themselves in different ways – you might get more easily agitated than usual or you might be acting silly. You might even feel like your brain isn’t reacting to information as quickly as you would like it to.

Other People Notice Changes

Most symptoms of “silent” concussions are neurological. This means that you might experience slurred speech and problems with coordination and movement. All of these things are likely to get picked up by people around you, so it’s not unusual for people to notice you’re acting strange before you notice it.

Nausea and Vomiting

A hallmark sign of a concussion is nausea and vomiting. While it’s normal to feel nauseous after receiving a blow to the head, uncontrollable vomiting is a sign you might have a concussion.

Your Symptoms Are Getting Worse

Mild irritability, headache, and nausea may not necessarily be a sign of a concussion. But, if your condition seems to be getting worse, it could be a sign of either a concussion or a serious neck injury.


If you notice any of these symptoms of “silent” concussions after experiencing a head injury, contact your doctor. A head injury should never be left unattended, especially if followed by such serious symptoms.

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