5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Memory

tips to improve your memory

For most people, memory loss is a natural part of the aging process. As such, there’s very little they can do to avoid it. But there are some things you can do to lower your risk and boost your brain to boot. Follow these simple tips to improve your memory and keep your brain healthy.

1. Engage Your Brain

For your brain to work to its best ability, you need to keep it active at all times. You need to exercise it, which is why people often refer to the human brain as a muscle. One of the key tips to improve your memory is to engage your brain in activities that boost its power. These include all types of puzzles, as well as card and board games.

2. Lose Weight

One study showed that people who had weight loss surgery also showed better long-term memory soon after it. This suggests that losing your weight may also boost your brain power. Getting rid of the extra pounds will improve your coronary health, and the flow of blood to your brain will also be better as a result.

3. Eat Healthy Foods

Changing your diet is among the most important tips to improve your memory. Your brain needs a lot of essential nutrients to work properly. You will find omega-3 fatty acids in fish like salmon, while blueberries and broccoli are rich in antioxidants. For iron and zinc, eat spinach, legumes, and pumpkin seeds.

4. Don’t Forget Vitamins

Your brain also needs a lot of vitamins, especially vitamins B-12 and E. Sure, you can take supplements, but whenever you can, go for natural sources of these two substances. For example, fish and chicken meat are very rich in vitamin B-12. To get vitamin E, eat green veggies, avocados, and nuts.

5. Be Physically Active

Regular physical activity protects your heart from health risks and helps regulate your blood flow. Not only that, but it also allows the body to create hormones that boost brain activity. You don’t need a lot of exercise to feel the benefits. Just 150 minutes of light jogging each week are enough to keep your body in shape.

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