5 Ways Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Your Body

sleep deprivation can affect your body

After the age of 18, the minimum amount of sleep you need is seven hours. But many people are getting less sleep than that. Additionally, some can’t sleep through the night without interruptions.

Here are some of the main ways that sleep deprivation can affect your body and your brain.

It Increases Your Risk of Diabetes

Sleeping badly impacts the way your body releases hormones. Your insulin production is particularly vulnerable to problems. Hence, sleeping issues put you at a higher risk of developing diabetes.

You are likelier to be overweight if you don’t get enough sleep. Additionally, it disturbs your blood pressure levels. These factors have an impact on your risk of diabetes as well.

Lack of Sleep Weakens Your Concentration

People who don’t get enough uninterrupted sleep have focus issues. This can affect you in the workplace. Sleep deprivation is one of the top causes of brain fog.

Memory Problems

If you’re finding it difficult to remember everyday things, sleep issues might be the culprit. They have an impact on your short-term memory as well as your long-term memory.

Sleep Deprivation Strains Your Cardiovascular System

Do you have heart health issues or blood flow problems of any kind? Your doctors will want to know about your sleeping patterns. Sleeping badly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Additionally, lack of sleep damages your blood vessels. Your body needs some rest to regenerate your cells.

You Are at a Higher Risk of Falls and Accidents

Sleep deprivation can disrupt your balance. Your coordination is also at risk. Thus, people who don’t sleep enough are more prone to slips and falls.

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