Memory Book Therapy for Family Members with Alzheimer’s

memory book for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative form of mental illness that mostly affects older people. Depending on how advanced the disease is, people can experience some type of memory loss and even lose track of who they are. They can forget not only family members and past events but also personal information. This is not only devastating to the patient and the family but it can also be dangerous to the patient’s wellbeing.

Can It Be Treated?

There have been many studies on Alzheimer’s, its causes and possible treatments. As a result, there are medicaments and therapies available that can delay the onset of the disease or slow down the degenerative process associated with it. Therapies go from changes in diet and exercise habits all the way to chemicals that work on the brain.

What Are Memory Books for Alzheimer’s?

One of the therapies used to help family members with Alzheimer’s are memory books. These consist mostly of pictures that represent periods or specific events in a person’s life. The book can be just a traditional photo album containing pictures and data of the patient, his or her family and friends and familiar places. It can also be digital.

There are also applications that will help you create interactive memory book for Alzheimer’s that your relative can take anywhere and use as a go-to tool for keeping important memories fresh.

How to Make a Memory Book for Alzheimer’s?

Whenever possible, make sure the patient is involved in the book’s creation. Ask questions about past events, friends, family members and anything that the person finds relevant about his or her past. The opportunities to revisit the fondest events, people and periods of time are important to the success of this therapy, the ultimate goal of which is to lift the spirit and help the patient cope with life and the disease.


Although Alzheimer’s is a permanent condition, some treatments and therapies can help slow down the illness’ progression and provide the patients with a better quality of life. One of those therapies is the use of memory books.

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