How Your Tears Could Help Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease

early detection of Parkinson’s

Scientists are working on how to discover Parkinson’s disease as soon as possible. It seems that analyzing tears could be a great solution to this problem.

Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease

Studies show that early detection of Parkinson’s disease leads to good results. When doctors diagnose this disease in time, they can find ways to decrease the symptoms. Additionally, early detection can lower the risk of complications.

However, Parkinson’s disease is difficult to diagnose. In many cases, doctors mistake it for something else. For example, it is commonly confused with Alzheimer’s disease.

Hence, it’s crucial to find a sure way to detect this disease. It also has to be easily available. After all, Parkinson’s is fairly widespread and anyone can develop it with age.

Why Scientists Are Working on Analyzing Tears

Research indicates that tears could be the key to the early detection of Parkinson’s.

When they analyzed the tears of Parkinson’s patients, scientists found some anomalies.

There is a protein that causes nerve damage. It is possible to detect this protein in tears. Scientists discovered that Parkinson’s causes an increase in that protein.

Thus, they can use tears to discover whether you have this disease. So what are the upsides of using tears for diagnostics?

  • Cost-Effective

These analyses are inexpensive. Hence, it would be possible to implement them widely.

  • Non-Invasive

Many people are hesitant to agree to routine checkups. But tears are a great solution. After all, this type of testing is painless and it also doesn’t take long.

  • Reliable

More research is required on this topic. However, it seems that analyzing tears could be a very reliable way to tell whether a person has Parkinson’s.

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